You're still playing Borderlands, right? If so, the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, the first downloadable content for the game, should be of interest. For $10 USD you get a whole new zone with a bunch of new quests, enemy types, and opportunities to snag more loot. Wrapped up in Halloween themes, the Island also sticks in the mind more easily than other zones in the game. There's still plenty of rocky ground in this setting, but this area's greener, filled with trees, is built with more personality, and also happens to be filled with zombies.
Anyone disappointed with the meager story threads laced throughout the original product will find this narrative in Jakob's Cove to be more sturdily strung together. It's still nothing incredible, but the bubblegum tale is packed with humor, cultural references to things like Scooby Doo and more that should keep you entertained. Like the zone itself (accessible via the fast travel menu), the tale is separated from the main game, as it doesn't really tie into the Vault story and therefore loses any semblance of seriousness, which works to its advantage.
To go along with the goofball humor and "spooky" motif, you'll see lighted pumpkins around the area, pumpkin-headed bosses, angular and eerily lit houses, and fields of ghoulish foes. None of the enemies in the zone carry any guns, but they do attack in large numbers. The standard zombies pop out of the ground and shamble directly at you, and if you're not paying attention it's easy to get overwhelmed by their numbers. This is especially true if you happen to run into spitter zombies that can blur your vision with putrid projectiles, or hulking Frankenstein's monster-like creatures that can initiate a number of special attacks like ground pounds and lighting bombs. Oh, and be sure not to hit these guys with electrical elemental damage…it turns out to be a little counterproductive. Though it's still a far cry from the type of excitement and tension delivered by the zombie battles in Valve's Left 4 Dead, the conflicts here are still interesting enough if only because you're still gaining loot and experience after every kill. It feels almost like playing something like Painkiller since there are so very many enemies at once, and most types prefer all-out attack to taking cover and firing from afar.
More enemies, and new boss types.
For quest content you'll have a handful of main story missions involving Dr. Ned and his undead experimentation along with a bunch of side quests. Many of these quests involve the same kinds of MMO-style goals you're familiar with at this point: kill these four things, find this many voice recordings, or go meet with so and so. In that sense, mechanically this DLC just offers more of what you're used to doing in Borderlands. It's a good buy in that sense if you're still progressing toward the level cap, but there's little reason to dive into this with a max level character class. For me, I tried out the DLC on Playthrough 1 after completing the main story and found the content to be set around mid the mid to high 30s. In Playthrough 2, where my character was much earlier on in the story, the enemies of the zone were set at early to mid 40s, so you'll want to consider where you are in the overall progression before taking the trip.
Don't let that dampen your enthusiasm for this content. Since the enemy types are new and some of their behaviors differ, there's a different kind of feel to the play here. In the end you're still mowing down everything you see, but doing so has its own kind of flavor, and considering the amount of content offered here you can expect to spend a while exploring and slaughtering. There aren't any vehicles, so this isn't built as a sprawling, wide-open zone, but its fetid pools and fields of mossy rock are packed with foes so every few steps you can expect to be assaulted. Frequently as you leave areas you'll have blasted apart so many enemies there the ground will be blanketed with loot, which in games like this is a very good thing.